Monday, December 13, 2010

Dropping a hint... Day 13

Day 13Sorry for today's picture quality, apparently the bookshelf is in the darkest corner of the house!

Rugby has a section of the bookshelf all to himself, to keep his books. He has training books, raw diet books, dog psychology books, obedience rule books... you get the point. He shares his shelf with my horse books, although he is of the opinion that he should expand his collection and claim the entire shelf.

Lucky for Rugby, they are only on the second shelf so he can read and refer back to them at his discretion. I am certain that is how he passes the time while I am away. He is plenty tall enough if he stands on his hind legs to see all of his books.

Day 13

Once he is up there, he can see all of his options and start making decisions about what he wants to read. He already knew what he was looking for when he went to the bookshelf today, though.

Day 13

The hardest part of the whole process is getting it OFF the shelf once he has found what he is looking for. This task was even harder before he read his 'The Koehler Method of Open Obedience' book and perfected the working retrieve.

Day 13  Day 13
Day 13

In the end, Rugby always prevails. He is one Mighty Maltese, after all.

Day 13

Since he had to work so hard picking and pulling out his book of choice, he must take a few seconds to relax before moving on!

Day 13

Once his 5 minute break was over, he made his point loud and clear.
"I think its about time you hand over my dinner. Make sure it's spaghetti."

Day 13

Having nothing to do with Rugby's dinner, or spaghetti...
We participated in Coffee with a Canine the other day. Head on over and check it out!


  1. Oh, Rugby... You never cease to impress us! Not sure about that choice of spaghetti - could get red sauce all over your handsome white furs!!

    Brutus & Carmen

  2. Rugby, you impress us every day with your talents! I'd like some spaghetti, too, please!

  3. Rugby is very literary. I am impressed!

    I just saw your site on Coffee with a Canine and had to stop by. The story of sneaking him into your class cracked me up. What a spirited little guy!

  4. Hello new furiends!! Tanks for stopping by..
    Even 'dose yous hooman use to work at *gasp* trader Jo-Jo... hee hees

    Your bloggy is adorables..
    love it.. the ~~swirly whirlys~~ are prettys and my goodness is Mister Rugby adorables...

    Him likes to read? So do we's..
    On yous previous posty we loves 'da pho-toes of him wits 'da crayon in his mouts... Too cute :)

    IzZY, Josie(heehee), TriXie, and Anakin Man
