Wednesday, December 2, 2009

25 Days of Christmas

Maybe it is just me but it seems that more than half the time I devote to writting essays is spent staring at the wall or bouncing off websites. No, I would not call this procrastination at all - it is brainstorming. Without those little mental vacations I would never reach the end of an essay no less an essay that made much sense of followed any logical order.

Since I have an essay due tomorrow, you can suspect that I have spent a good amount of time staring at my walls and browsing websites this evening. This brings me to the reason I am posting in the middle of the night to Rugby's blog, with my essay still missing some key transitions and finishing touches. I have been inspired.

Margot was inspired first by Linda (Brisbane's human) to for every day of December wear the colors red and green. Then I got an idea...

I would like to turn this blog for the next 25 days into an....advent calander of sorts. The only difference being that you don't get to open any windows (just click) and the only sweet thing you are getting will be a picture of Rugby with both a red and green object. Just one picture a day, every day 'till Christmas.
I am off to a bad start seeing as it is technically already the second of December so I will begin our countdown with an old picture.

RED - Jacket GREEN - Tree

Get it?? GOOD!

I will try my hardest to keep it up and have a picture up every day!!

1 comment:

  1. I like the red, white and green advent idea! Very cute! Rigby sure is cute!
