Second - I have been stressing a little bit over the toy dog show that I had entered Rugby in since it is only 5 days away and as of yesterday I had not heard anything from them. I was so worried about it I woke up at 4 o'clock yesterday morning from a dream that it was the Friday of the show and I had waken up at 9:30 and was trying to figure out a way to make the drive to PA in time for Rugby to show...then thinking I didn't even have the right Friday and the show was past already. Needless to say, I have been thinking too much (or maybe not enough) about it.
Right after the CGC test we went home and I was almost loosing hope in our entry making it into the show. :/ The mail still hadn't come yet.
So me and Rugby trying to push off the anxiety as good as we know how went out and practiced some heeling and figure 8's. I was pleased. He didn't ever mess up on the figure 8 (he didn't lag on the outside) and except for a couple of forged halts, he did great
While we were out working we happened to notice the mail man.
Our work ended and Rugby and I went inside to sit on the floor and twidle our thumbs until I thought we had given the mail man sufficient time to fill all the boxes.
Sure enough, when we went out to check. The very last envelope in the pile was addressed to me, from Rau dog shows. RELIEF. We had already gotten the program for the Oriole Dog Training Clubs show we are doing the two days following this one. Now we are set.
Friday Rugby is the second dog (out of three :/) in Novice B. The obedience trial starts at 9 am and there are 13 dogs total in all of Utility, Open and Novice. That will be a short day. :p I think this will be incredible fun to have all toy dogs . I am most excited for this.
Saturday he is 14th (out of 20) and the Novice B class is 'to follow' so a not so short day for us.
Sunday we mis-entered and ended up in Novice A. We were told it was too late to switch when we realized what we did but we could show anyway. So we will lol. It starts at 11:45 and he is the 4th dog out of 6.
He has two tries this next weekend to get his last leg of his CD. Then we can move on to things I will not think about untill next weekend is over. :p
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